Wednesday 11 June 2014

Minimize Exposure, Detox - and Feel the Difference

Am I getting tired of beating the same drum? Not at all. Especially when I find information citing research that confirms what I’ve been saying for years.

In a new study published in the Journal of Environment Research it was found that participants (ages 18-65) who ate a diet consisting of at least 80% organic foods for one week had a staggering 89% less pesticide residue in their urine, compared with what is found when conventionally (pesticide laden) grown produce is eaten.

This is a huge result, but exactly what does it mean? One of the main components of pesticides is organophosphates. These have been found to inhibit a specific neurotransmitter essential for carrying signals between muscles and nerves. Organophosphates may also cause paralysis and children, in particular, are at greater risk from pesticides because their bodies do not detox as easily as adult bodies.

For many families purchasing organic produce is cost prohibitive. All conventionally grown produce contains a dose of toxic pesticides. According to a Natural Society report (5/6/14 - The 15 Cleanest and 12 Most Pesticide-Laden Produce of 2014):

“Today, over 1 billion pounds of pesticides are used in the United States alone every year, leading to numerous health and environmental consequences. Among the many negative effects of pesticides, research has found that these chemicals can lead to cancer, birth defects, infertility, kidney failure, and much more. Monsanto’s Bt toxins are killing human embryo cells, while Roundup and glyphosate are leading to a kidney disease epidemic in poor farming regions….”

While this statement relates to the United States I can safely say that the situation is not markedly different in just about every other country that has adopted large crop, mono-agricultural farming methods.

The Dirty Dozen
The items of produce that have been found to be most toxic are:  1) Apples, 2) Strawberries, 3) Grapes, 4)Celery, 5) Peaches, 6) Spinach, 7) Sweet Bell Peppers, 8) Nectarines, 9) Cucumbers, 10) Cherry Tomatoes, 11) Snap Peas (imported) and 12) Potatoes.

The Clean Fifteen
The produce items found to hold least pesticide residue and have tested low on pesticide concentration are:  1) Avocados, 2) Sweet Corn (though is likely to be GMO), 3) Pineapples, 4) Cabbage, 5) Frozen Sweet Peas, 6) Onions, 7) Asparagus, 8) Mangoes, 9) Papayas (tho likely to be GMO), 10) Kiwis, 11) Eggplant, 12) Grapefruit, 13) Canteloupe, 14) Cauliflower and 15) Sweet Potato.

If you’ve been putting off growing some of your own fruits, vegetables and herbs possibly you may reconsider your options. During the warmer months, especially, it’s a great time to begin growing some of your own food supply. If you don’t know how to, then there is an abundance of books available on all types of gardening, including growing food in small spaces, in pots as well as containing great information on making your own insect repellent sprays that are organic and non-toxic.

Another option is to frequent farmers’ markets and find produce that is grown free of chemicals, though not necessarily labelled organic. Being certified Organic is a huge expense that many farmers cannot afford.

Toxin Toxout
A newly released book, Toxin Toxout – Getting Harmful Chemicals out of our Bodies and our World, by Bruce Lourie and Rick Smith explains how toxins damage our bodies and environment, and best of all provides some simple strategies that can be applied to reduce the levels of pollutants and exposure to them.

Detoxing Your Body of Pesticides and Other Chemicals
Just the other day I heard a news report that the chemical toxins from car exhaust fumes and cigarette smoke (including second hand) are highly toxic to the body. There is no doubt that over time the toxins accumulate. What are the long term health implications of this? Why is it important to detox regularly?

The first time I undertook a detox was in the mid-90s. It involved preparing all meals from scratch, using only wholesome unprocessed foods. This detox process lasted six weeks. By the end of it my skin glowed, my eyes were clear, hair shone and I had a huge amount of energy – I felt better than I had for years. Since that time I’ve made it a point to ensure that my body detoxes regularly and on an ongoing basis.

As many of you know I eat a largely organic diet. Starting the day off with a freshly slow pressed vegetable juice is a great way of helping the body remain ‘clean’ on the inside. However, in recent times I’ve added a teaspoon of either spirulina or chlorella powder to my morning juice. Both these potent green powders actually help the body eliminate heavy toxic metals. There are no immediate side effects or even signs that the body is detoxing. However, every few weeks I find a subtle hint that there is a release of toxins. This release is evident in a strongly metallic taste in my mouth, it also is evident in my body’s eliminations as a strong metal smell. When perspiring, especially, the odour can be strong for a brief moment.

However, the body only releases heavy metals at a very slow rate and not a great deal is released at a time, which is why it pays dividends to continue taking chlorella and/or spirulina regularly. I use powder, mixed into juice, as the rate of absorbability in the body (from liquids) is up to about 98%, whereas taking these potent greens in tablet form results in an absorption rate of only about 50%.

Exercise and Sweating Important
An article at entitled Niacin, Exercise, and Sauna – A Simple and Effective Detox Program That Can Significantly Improve Your Health cites significant research findings on the health benefits of detoxing.

Research is cited in the article, demonstrating clearly that the body stores toxins in fat and other fatty organs such as the brain. When weight is lost toxic chemicals gradually move out from the body’s fat stores.
Exercise is a key to elimination, as pesticides and other toxic chemicals are safely released via the skin, the body’s largest organ. The article cites the work of Dr Yu, who stresses the importance of taking niacin to “mobilize toxic substances from your fat cells”. His study focuses on mobilizing toxins from both the skin and the GI tract. Dr Yo recommends using niacin in conjunction with both exercise and sauna therapy.

Not everyone has access to a sauna. However, I’m finding that hiking up and down the trails in the mountains two to three times a week (regardless of the season) is ideal for building up a sweat, as well as providing an aerobic workout. Dr Mercola and other fitness experts recommend high intensity interval training, as a means of stimulating the human growth hormone in adults – and which, I assure you, generates lots of sweating!

I have never taken niacin as a supplement on its own. It may be something you feel is appropriate to explore and learn more about.

Toxins in the Breast Tissue
With breast cancer being one of the scourges of our time there are steps that can be taken to reduce the likelihood of succumbing to this insidious disease. The breasts consist of tissue and fat cells – a great place for toxins to reside. The lymph glands, located close to the breasts, are also an area where cancer cells locate. This is why regular exercise (with sweating) is important. The lymph moves the toxins, via the lymph, to the liver which then detoxify slowly.

It has also been found that the sweat glands under the arms are able to eliminate the stored toxins. I’ve found a wonderful product, Detox Deodorant – for night time detox use – to be brilliant for helping remove stored toxins from the breast tissue. This product is applied like a deodorant, but at night time, and washed off in the morning shower. The developer of this product has undertaken years of research, and the use of thermal imaging to map the reduction of toxins in the body as a result of regular application of this product. For more information on this product (which happens to be totally synthetic chemical and petroleum free) go to

Hydration is Important
It’s easy to overlook the importance of hydration in this process. Drinking purified water – and plenty of it – helps the liver, sweat glands and fat cells eliminate toxic chemicals from the body. My personal preference is to have a water filter that filters out fluoride and chlorine, and other chemicals. A water purifier doesn’t have to be overly expensive to be of a high quality. Do your research and find the purifier system that suits your body, one that ‘feels right’.

While detoxing your body from chemicals limit your intake of coffee, sodas and other flavored  liquids as much as possible. Prepare meals from scratch using wholesome, natural foods and avoid consuming pre-packaged, processed foods.

One Day at a Time
If you have never undertaken a detox program the first thing to remember is – don’t feel overwhelmed! Take it one day at a time. Make the changes slowly. Adjust to the changes before taking the next step. This way you will begin to identify what works, notice the minor changes and improvements in wellbeing.

If your body contains a lot of toxic chemicals there is a possibility that you may actually feel sick, have headaches and generally feel out of sorts for up to a week or two! If so, just take it slowly and ensure you persist with the process as your body may be going through a similar process as someone who’s giving up cigarette smoking or alcohol. I’ve experienced this type of healing crisis response in my body numerous times (for various reasons) and it’s never comfortable. The final result, however, is well worth the discomfort. 

Sunday 20 April 2014

Strengthen the BioPhoton Field for Improved Health

Letting go of beliefs and old habits can be painful at times, especially when we emotionally feel comfortable living with them! Getting out of the comfort zone and adopting new values and taking action to support those new values is often fraught with uncertainty, self questioning and even inner resistance.

However, over many years I’ve learned that stagnation is also painful. There is often too much of a comfort zone in doing the same thing that’s always been done. Repetition means routine and a certain measure of feeling safe.

When it comes to letting go of major beliefs or habits the initial result may be unsettling but generally the long term outcomes may prove to be hugely beneficial. It’s been my learning that letting go is a gradual process. Letting go of one habit or belief is soon followed by no longer doing something that’s been a regular part of one’s lifestyle. Being creatures of habit we much prefer to be gentle rather than harsh in actions and treatments that have a personal impact.

It’s been over twelve years since I stopped using perfumes. At the time I made the decision it was a challenge to let go of the Chanel No.5 and other expensive bottles of perfume acquired over time. Yet, simultaneously, it was with a huge sigh of relief I emptied the shelf on which they stood because I knew that as lovely as those pricey scents were they were not healthy for my body due to the fact that perfumes contain carcinogenic ingredients.

At the same time I stopped using popular chemical laden scents in my home and car, replacing them with essential oils scents. On my very infrequent forays into regular supermarkets  - I prefer to shop at health food stores and food co-ops – I find the smell of the scented products in the laundry detergent and cleaning products aisles overwhelming. It’s the same with gardening stores and the extensive range of toxic chemicals for weed control, etc!

Scents and Sensitivity
Sandi Gauvin in a recent article in the Alive magazine cited some disturbing data around the impact that chemical laden scents have on human health and wellbeing.  A study in Denmark found that “42 per cent of the population experienced symptoms involving their eyes, nose, mouth, throat or lungs after exposure to frangranced products”.

Reactions to scents can range from mild (sore throat, nausea) to intense (migraine, allergy reaction). Some reported reactions include: headaches, skin irritation, anxiety, loss of appetite, fatigue, concentration difficulty, coughing, shortness of breath, etc.

Gauvin goes on to say “more than 3000 fragrance ingredients have been reported in various consumer product studies, and a single fragrance in a product can contain a mixture of between 50 and 300 chemicals”.

What’s even worse is that researchers have found that these fragranced products emit a large number of volatile organic compounds, which are all carcinogenic and hazardous air pollutants.

Scents and the BioPhoton Field
My book The New World of Self Healing, recently released as an eBook and available from all eBook outlets, clearly explains what damages to the BioPhoton Field. In my book I refer to this as the Energy Field – is purely a matter of semantics!

Toxins, including chemical toxins, damage and destroy the sensitive energy field. Over time the damage then permeates from the energy field into the physical body. Researchers are finally admitting that chemical toxins are implicated in breast cancer!

Intuitively I’m aware that toxic chemicals are heavily implicated in a whole range of illness conditions including Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, many cancers, asthma and other respiratory conditions. Also possibly Parkinsons, fibromyalgia. I also get a sense that many of the so-called mental disorders such as depression, bi-polar, schizophrenia, etc may be affected significantly by carcinogenic chemical toxins.

Reducing Scented Product Usage
Switch to cleaning products that are scent free. Even better, use cleaning products that are genuinely ‘green’. They may cost more though the long term health benefits will ultimately result in fewer medical costs.

Better still, purchase cleaning products that don’t rely on liquid or powered cleansers. I prefer using the micro-fibre cleaning cloths made by Norwex ( because a wipe with the cloth is all that’s needed, thereby eliminating the need for cleaning solutions.

Fragrance free products are supposed to have absolutely no discernible odour. When a product is labelled ‘unscented’ it may still contain small amounts of fragrance. This may actually be a masking agent that is added to the product, which hides the scents in other ingredients contained in the product.

Eliminate air fresheners and candles that contain heavy scents. Instead use therapeutic grade essential oils in a diffuser for room freshness. Use beeswax or soy (non-GMOI) candles. Whenever possible pick a bunch of scented flowers and enjoy the natural scent they emit.

Purchase an air purifier for use in your home. You’ll be surprised at the difference it can make.
On sunny days open the windows and let fresh air circulate. If you happen to live in an area where there’s outside air pollution then definitely invest in air purifiers for your home.

Instead of perfume apply a small dab of your favourite therapeutic essential oil. My personal preferences are either Young Living or doTerra essential oils. These oils are therapeutic, they heal, induce calmness of body and clarity of mind. And, best of all, are not offensive to other peoples’ olfactory senses!

Read labels carefully. Many so-called green products are not as environmentally friendly or safe as first appearances would have you believe. My personal rule of thumb is that if a product has long and unpronounceable ingredients listed in its composition then don’t buy.  Sometimes the ingredients are listed by botanical name with the commonly known plant name beside, and these are less likely to contain volatile toxic chemicals.

Natural does not mean it’s safe for the human body. Uranium is a natural mineral yet it’s certainly not something we would ever consider using. Familiarize yourself with the toxic chemicals that are found in everyday personal and household products, and look for healthier substitutes. A Google search will certainly provide sufficient bedtime reading for weeks to come!

A Day At A Time
When implementing changes in any area of your life it’s much easier to take it a day at a time, rather than attempting a complete makeover instantly. By taking smaller steps and experiencing the benefits of those changes you’ll be inspired to continue.

Feeling overwhelmed and uncertain in undertaking a major changeover is not beneficial and is more likely to result in reverting to previous habits and practices.

Gradually, however, unwelcome and unwanted symptoms of scent overload will diminish and a feeling of improved health will validate the changes undertaken.

Nowadays when I walk past retail stores selling candles, lotions and body creams, and other heavily scented products my stomach recoils because it immediately recognizes that these scents contain chemicals that are detrimental to my health.

Next time you walk past a retail outlet selling heavily scented products take a second to note your body’s reaction. It’s only a subtle reaction, though it’s sufficient to let you know that your body does not like, want or need to be exposed to these products.

In the meantime, take time to smell the roses and to appreciate their amazing scent. Once you do you will no longer be attracted to the luring enticements of chemically made toxic scents!

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Biophoton Field – Your Key to Health and Wellbeing

Have you ever had the experience of looking at someone, or even a group of people, and been aware that the individual/s are either really healthy or that they appear to be sickly?

Last weekend I thoroughly enjoyed myself at a three day folk festival where I was only one of a large group of volunteers. I certainly toiled when on duty, but once off duty I spent time wandering over the grounds where the festival was held, I listened to a great variety of music from incredibly talented musicians and I also found myself really observing people.

People watching is a past time that many people enjoy indulging in. From my perspective the observations undertaken over the three day weekend were not intended to be critical or judgmental. Instead I found myself wondering just how healthy the majority of the attending population really were.

In all honesty I have to say that the majority of people observed did not look hale and healthy, with most people looking stressed, tired and worn down. The number of people exuding vitality and energy were few in number – compared with the thousands that attended.

How is it possible to determine a person’s health and wellbeing just from looking at them briefly? While I’m not saying that I’m an expert at this, I will share that I note the following features: skin that has a healthy sheen (it glows); eyes that are clear; hair that is thick and lustrous; posture that is straight and gait that is balanced and strong.

Generally these are characteristics of younger people. Somehow, as we age, there seems to be an attendant deterioration in health, and often this is an insidious and gradual process. So, how can this steady deterioration be reversed? Or, is it possible for it to even be reversed?

Let’s look at where healing and wellbeing really originate from and what supports wellness and what creates ill health.

Everything is Energy
Often we read or hear people say ‘everything is energy’, but what does this really mean? More importantly, what are the ramifications of this in everyday life?

When I observe the three dimensional reality that we have co-created I really don’t see any recognition or acknowledgment of this important factor, nor of its implications in so many aspects of daily functioning, health and wellbeing.

Some scientific findings regarding the body being energy (holding light) include:
1.     The human body literally glows as it emits visible light in small quantities. In fact, all living things have this quality.
2.     Sensitive cameras have detected this light. Scientists have found that the body glow rises and falls during the course of a day with its lowest point being at 10am and peaking at 4pm. Possibly there is a link between this and the body’s biorhythm.
3.     The greatest light ‘glow’ is emitted from the face.
4.     The light (energy) emitted is about 1,000 times less intense than what can be seen with the naked eye.

The term often referred to in scientific research is ‘biophoton field’. The whole human body is alive and humming with light at the subatomic levels, and this has been proved to originate from the DNA.

The DNA in cells vibrates at a high frequency and are continually receiving and transmitting information on the subtle levels. In many ways, this transmission and recording of information can be viewed as the mechanism by which both good health and illness are determined. A biophoton field that is damaged or weak indicates that something is amiss, whereas a strong and vibrant biophoton field denotes strong health and wellness throughout the body.

Basically the greater the store of light energy in the body, the greater the power of the overall biophoton field (sometimes referred to as electromagnetic field or energy field) which results in increased energy essential for the maintenance of optimal health.

Science has determined that the biophoton field surrounds the physical body.

However, the understanding I have around this is that the physical body is also part of the biophoton field. Its vibrational frequency is denser, which results in the denseness and physicality of the human body.

Damage to the Biophoton Field
Western medicine, nutritionists, exercise experts, etc espouse health routines that benefit the physical body. Yet, how often do they relate the importance of what they teach to supporting the healthy functioning of the biophoton field?

From my observations and the reading I’ve undertaken over many years – they don’t! It’s as though they assume that the physical body is no more than a conglomeration of tissue, muscle, tendons, bones, circulatory systems, etc.

Everything I’ve learned about the biophoton field – which I generally refer to as the Energy Field – is that mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health are determined by how we either nourish or mistreat the biophoton field!

There are countless environmental factors that interfere with and damage the biophoton field.  Dirty electricity from wifi technology is now recognized has having a deleterious impact. The remedy for this is to spend time in nature daily and to minimize exposure to modern technologies. Environmental toxins also have a damaging impact – and there is no shortage of these in the air, water and soils. Daily we are exposed to a chemical cocktail of environmental toxins - household products, factory emissions, chemical spraying of crops are only a few.

Strengthening the Biophoton Field
The biophoton field thrives on raw foods, especially organic raw foods. This is because these foods are enriched from the energy of the sun and the nutrients are in no way destroyed by heat or cooking. Raw organic foods contain higher levels of vitamins and minerals and are rich in enzymes.

According to Dr Johanna Budwig (from Germany) “live foods are electron rich, and act as high-powered electron donors and ‘solar resonance fields’ in your body to attract, store, and conduct the sun’s energy in your body”. (from “Your Body Literally Glows With Light”)  

Obviously the greater the amount of light energy your body holds the stronger your biophoton field is, which in turn results in having more energy for healing and wellness maintenance.

I’ve also found that spending time in nature daily ensures greater exposure to sunlight (even on cloudy days), and supports the body’s self regeneration process.

Drinking green juices daily brings the sun’s energy (via chlorophyll) into the body and feeds the biophoton field.

Minimizing exposure to damaging chemical toxins is also critical. This means using household and personal products free of toxic chemicals. Luckily there are now some great natural and toxic chemical free products available. They may cost more but ultimately I believe it’s better to spend a bit more on health enhancing products which ultimately means less money will be spent on medical costs in later years.

Emotional, mental and spiritual health significantly impacts the biophoton field. Viewing the proverbial glass as being half full rather than half empty actually has a positive effect.

Thoughts and acts of gratitude, generosity and kindness enrich and enhance the biophoton field. Think of how good you feel when you contribute to your own welfare and to the welfare of others. Simple acts of kindness have a similar effect as digesting chlorophyll laden greens!

Managing Your Biophoton Field
Biological research has shown that plants can draw alternative energy sources from other plants. The theory is that people also do the same. In fact, they can and do draw energy from other people. (refer to article on People Can Draw Energy From Other People the Same Way Plants Do)

According to the cited research in the above article “the human organism is very much like a plant, it draws needed energy to feel emotional states and this can essentially energize cells or cause increases in cortisol and catabolize cells depending on the emotional trigger”.

In the metaphysical world there is already significant awareness that this actually occurs but it’s great to see that biological research is now revealing this fact.

I think we all know someone who ‘drains our energy’. When in their company it doesn’t take long to feel depleted and tired. Some simple techniques for supporting your biophoton field – the one you’ve worked so hard to create and sustain include:

1.     Remain centered and grounded as this helps you release other people’s energies.
2.     Visualize your biophoton field being surrounded by a bubble of light and that this bubble of light shields you from other energies.
3.     Visualize this bubble of light acting as a mirror which reflects back with love all that is directed at your biophoton field.
4.     You may choose to create a similar shield around your home, car and pets – if it feels appropriate.

Many years ago I questioned the need or desirability of shielding or protection. My invisible guidance responded with, “You own a house?” to which I said, “Yes”. Immediately afterwards I heard, “Do you leave your doors and windows open for all and sundry to enter at will?”….. that was sufficient information for me to act on.
Managing your biophoton field is vital to managing your health. It’s important to respect the commitment you have to creating health and wellness. This means that shielding/protection is undertaken out of respect for the commitment you’ve made to achieving optimal health.

If you have any personal questions about any aspect of the concepts I’ve raised here please email me at with a clear indication in the subject line that your question relates to this topic. Actually this topic is far wider than I’ve covered in this space but I’ve attempted to condense it for ease and convenience! 

Saturday 22 February 2014

Going Organic? It Might Just Add Years to Your Life

Blue Mountains Organic Garden in Spring

I hold a strong belief that it’s our right to have access to clean water and clean food. Yet, ironically it’s often not the case due to the continual contamination of our water and food sources with toxic chemicals.

It may sound as though I’m harping on this subject unnecessarily. Yet, this message is long overdue and change is happening too slowly!

It was back in 1972 that I became aware of the dangers of fluoride. I was working at the Australian National University and a visiting professor from the United States had undertaken a great deal of research on the subject. What he shared was sufficient impetus for me to continue delving into research that wasn’t cited in mainstream media.

Nowadays the fluoride controversy continues, with very few towns choosing to have fluoride free water. This does not mean that the issue is a non-event. In fact, the latest issue of Nexus ( contains a one page letter from Paul Connett, Fluoride Action Network USA . He depicts a depressing situation here in Australia due to bureaucratic decisions that are made without public consultation. The Fluoride Action Network in the States can be found at In Australia the website is

I’m mentioning fluoride because it’s only one of many chemicals that are found in our water supply. A recent article in The Sun Herald (February 16th) by Julia Medew states that “Chemicals affect children’s brains: study”. The first paragraph of this news article reads:

“Leading chemical experts are calling for a radical overhaul of chemical regulation to protect children from everyday toxins that may be causing a global “silent epidemic” of brain development disorders such as autism, dyslexia and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.”

The research article, published in The Lancet, indicates that current regulations are inadequate to safeguard children from potentially hazardous chemicals found in the environment. It goes on to list the many hazardous chemicals and includes fluoride, a mineral found in water, plants and toothpaste. According to everything I’ve read since 1972 fluoride is added to the water supply – it is not naturally ‘found’ in water!

By the way, as much as local authorities are keen to urge us to drink tap water I’ve found that purchasing a water filter to be one way of reducing and minimizing exposure to chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride. Not all water filters are able to remove these toxins but if you search long and hard you will find a water filtration system that works. And, it doesn’t necessarily have to be the most expensive on the market!

The Organic Gardening Movement

It seems that in recent years there’s been a dramatic increase in organic gardening. This is indicative of a reversal from the mono-cropping agricultural system that’s been adopted since the 1960s.

A new wave of consumers is demonstrating an increased concern about the quality of their food. They are flocking to organic garden centres to buy produce and to learn how to grow their own food.

Urban gardening and farming is one important step towards building a more sustainable food system. Food grown and picked from your own garden is fresher, more nutritious and certainly tastes much better than mass produced food that’s been shipped long distances and stored for long periods of time.

I’ve noticed there are now plenty of magazines and books on ‘how to’ grow vegetables, herbs and even fruits in small spaces. It doesn’t matter if you have limited space, just growing a few plants in large pots and ensuring they are kept watered and get sufficient warmth and sunlight will produce a great crop.

As much as it is easier to just go and buy what is needed from the local supermarket in the long term it’s not healthier for you to rely on the convenience factor.

A recent article published on entitled “Battle for humanity nearly lost: global food supply deliberately engineered to end life, not nourish it” depicts a very bleak picture. One paragraph reads:

“GM (genetically modified) corn is engineered to grow a deadly toxin inside each and every grain of corn. This deadly toxin is then consumed by all the people who unknowingly eat genetically engineered crops via breakfast cereals, corn tortillas, corn snack chips, etc. This mass poisoning of the population is clearly intentional, as it is deliberately engineered into the crops which are grown for the sole purpose of human and animal consumption. This mass poisoning is not accidental, in other words, and in fact the technology is promoted under the justification that it will “feed the world”. Indeed it will feed the world…poison.”

It’s not just GMOs that pose a grave danger to the health of humans and animals. It’s also the heavy metal contamination found in many processed products; as well as bleach and other chemicals used in the processing of foods.

What can you do?
Avoid purchasing processed foods. This means no more pre-packaged meals, sauces, curries, etc.
  Avoid all processed meats as they contain sodium nitrite (carcinogenic). This means eliminating bacon, sausage, ham, deli meats, hot dogs, pepperoni pizza and even beef jerky. (When you purchase biodynamic meat you can make your own beef jerky, and this avoids the addition of chemical additives.)
Grow your own food – or as much as is possible. Just make sure you use organic seeds or purchase organic seedlings!
Purchase chemical free produce from local farmers.
Purchase from a CSA in the States. Here in Australia purchase from Aussie Farmers Direct (at
Avoid all sodas, fruit juices and anything containing artificial sweeteners. Aspartame is an added ingredient in many ‘diet’ drinks. It’s toxic to the human biology and it’s a well-documented fact that all artificial sweeteners have harmful side effects if consumed regularly.
Be sceptical of products that contain the label “Natural” and are processed or refined in some way.
Check for countries of origin as some countries (China especially) have been found to produce foods with heavy metal contamination.

Change Food Preparation

Our taste buds have become accustomed to refined, processed foods that contain additives, artificial sweeteners and flavors. When working with clients I’ve found that it’s not easy for people to change their eating habits, especially as so many foods that are heavily chemicalized contain ingredients that are addictive.
My recommendation is to always make one change at a time. If you can’t do without pizza regularly then learn to make your own. Find ways to use organic vegetables creatively, add spices and herbs, and come up with your own variations on the popular pizzas. This may mean making your own dough and tomato sauce, picking fresh herbs and vegetables, etc.

This may take longer but it also helps you fully connect with the food you are about to consume. It creates a ‘bond’ and a feeling of being creative! And, best of all there’s the satisfaction of knowing you made the meal you’re eating – that is enormously exciting.
  Buy lots of vegetables and fruits each week and then figure out what you’re going to create with them. It’s exciting to purchase unfamiliar vegetables and to learn what to do with them – it certainly breaks the monotony of eating the same foods every week that require little or no preparation.

3.    Make your own curries, sauces, dressings, etc. from scratch using organic ingredients and use them within a few days. Organic food doesn’t last for weeks, it begins to rot if left too long.

Recently I was tempted and bought a bottle of honey mustard dressing from the local farmers’ markets. While this tasted great I found that the contents of the bottle didn’t in any way go ‘off’, it obviously had something in it to help preserve the contents. My own organic, fresh creation lasts 2-3 days before going ‘off’ – and I much prefer it as I know that I’m eating food that is live!
  Include some enzyme rich organic vegetables and/or fruits with every meal. Our bodies become depleted of enzymes as we age. Enzymes are found in abundance in organic fruits and vegetables. Including a small serving of these before a cooked meal assists with the body’s assimilation and absorption of nutrients.

5.    Experiment with new foods. Try fermented foods such as kim chi or sauerkraut and see if it makes a difference to your digestion. Add lots of greens – whether it be in salads, green smoothies or wheatgrass shots.

6.    As you make changes you’ll find that your body changes. Become aware of what your body ‘likes’ and ‘needs’. Stop eating foods that cause tiredness, lethargy, headaches and digestive disorders.

Organic Bodies Need Organic Foods

The human body is an amazing organism. It is alive and needs a lot of fuel to keep it being healthy and strong. It’s a myth that as we age we can expect ill health and deteriorating functioning. In reality we have the potential and ability to live to more than 120 years. But we can only do so if we treat our treasured body with respect and ensure that it only ever gets the very best quality food and water.

The greatest threat to our health unfortunately comes from the manufacturers of mass produced processed and refined foods.

David Suzuki, geneticist, is reported as saying:
“Any politician or scientist who tells you these (GMO) products are safe is either very stupid or lying.”

By avoiding the foods that are refined and processed you’re supporting your body back into health and balance. By avoiding these foods you’re also sending a strong message to the companies that believe it’s okay to contaminate our food supplies.

It’s not okay for us to eat food that’s not real food but a chemical imitation.

I suggest - if you’d like to become more proactive - then become a member of the Slow Food movement ( It’s an international movement dedicated to the growing, production and eating of foods in the traditional ways.