Saturday 28 September 2013

Why I'm Creating this Blog!

Welcome to Joy In Oneness  blog! I’m hoping that as you read this blog – and the many others that follow – you’ll be inspired to provide feedback and to share your knowledge, inspirations and suggestions.

Spiritual teachings, regardless of the religion or faith, teach one thing in common and that is we are here to be of service. For many years, as I operated my business, I felt that I was providing a valuable service to my clients. Working with clients on a one-on-one basis was the underlying basis of my business. However, as the years rolled on I found that this began to feel burdensome, providing less and less satisfaction.

We are taught via spiritual teachings and cultural upbringing that being of service to others is noble. After all Mother Teresa became an icon for the profession of assisting and supporting those unable to care for themselves. What a wonderful role model and inspiration she’s been to those dedicating their lives to the caring profession.

Yet, somehow this no longer seems sufficient motivation for myself and for the many other practitioners I communicate with regularly. We all agree that we’re feeling the call of something bigger, something that is of greater need. It is not that easy to clearly define the ‘something’ I’m referring to but it relates to saving our precious planet from destruction.

The destruction I refer to is what we as humanity have been doing since the advent of the Industrial Revolution. Our planet’s resources are being rapidly destroyed due to the heavy chemicalization of our water, air and land masses.

Earth is in need of all our concerted efforts to restore her natural balance. This can only be achieved by individuals working together and collaboratively on all levels, which of course requires a letting down of the invisible barriers we feel that separate us from one another.

The questions I’ll be exploring in my Blog include:
·         What are the common issues facing us?
·         How can we overcome our differences and learn to work in community and collaboratively?
·         What is needed to shift our awareness and consciousness to seeing the ‘big picture’ issues confronting our planet, and humanity’s survival?
·         What can each and every person do to make a difference?
·         How can we reach out to one another in conciliation and love with the understanding that we’re all in this together?
·         What are the major environmental issues that need to be addressed immediately?
·         What are the processes involved in reclaiming our empowerment to be truly sovereign beings?
I’m sure there will be plenty of other questions raised along the way. But these are some of the questions that immediately spring to mind.

Your input, suggestions and comments, including discussion, will be a valuable part of this Blog site.

I truly believe that if humanity is to transition to the next stage of its evolution then it’s time to become enlightened, to work collaboratively in harmony and community and to make the changes for the betterment of the planet and for all who have the honor of living on this magical paradise.

It’s not the responsibility of governments or corporations to make the necessary changes. Their track record speaks for itself! It’s up to us, the ordinary people to step up to the plate and to begin creating a reality that is in alignment with our true potential!

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