Monday 30 September 2013

Is Our Survival at Risk?

In these first few blogs I'm sharing my thoughts and premise upon which I'm developing the blog. This will give you some idea of why I'm writing a blog and also the visionary scope that I intend covering!!


For many years I’ve seriously questioned the so-called important things we base our survival and health upon. For example, I deeply doubt that structuring society to become so dependent upon stock markets, financial security, investments, etc is really the best possible way we could live and be healthy.

The many structures and infrastructures we have co-created – such as an education system that does not meet the needs of most children, agriculture and trading agreements that disadvantage third world countries, religious systems that are often in conflict, wars that make bankers and corporations richer, a so-called health system that focuses on illness treatment, and an intense reliance on industry and technology –  don’t support individual growth and wellbeing. Nor do they support the collective wellbeing of our population.

It seems that somewhere along the way we have become disempowered. We have handed over responsibility for our lives to organizations, religions, institutions, governments and corporations. Rules, regulations and new laws are continually put in place to ensure that the average person does as he/she is told. This makes it more difficult to actually question the value and validity of our life options.

Do you think it’s possible there is more to life than earning sufficient income to pay taxes, mortgage and bills. Maybe it’s time for us as a collective to deeply question aspects of our reality that don’t resonate or don’t appear to be working to our joint advantage. I’m sure you could come up with a list of systems and restrictions that are impeding your wellbeing! Also most likely you already have some idea of possible changes and options for living healthily and optimally.

One of my current concerns is the environmental damage that is being done to the food chain due to the heavy chemicalization of crops, along with the evident failure of the mono-cropping system of agriculture. The more I read and hear about organizations such as the Slow Food movement ( and learn about permaculture the more I’m inspired to become involved locally, to participate in, to learn and to share ways in which food growing, processing and usage can be applied locally.

Here is a Food Fact from the Slow Food Movement that should be of concern to everyone! “Just 12 plant breeds and 5 animal breeds provide three quarters of the world’s food.”

Possibly if the focus were to be shifted from ‘Me’ to ‘We’ there could be increasing potential to really shift more rapidly out of systems, infrastructures and paradigms that are no longer relevant, healthy or beneficial to the common good.

I believe it’s important to identify areas and systems that are not working optimally and to then work collectively to find solutions. There can be no change globally until solution based strategies are put in place. A powerful demonstration of how this is being done is via the Slow Food Movement. Gradually individuals and groups worldwide are gaining awareness and actively becoming involved in creating sustainable and health conscious communities.

And, as I reflect upon this passion of mine that is surfacing so strongly I also urge you to look to the areas of life where you feel you can make a difference. Where is your passion? What can you contribute to supporting a sustainable and well balanced life? How can you change the ‘Me’ to a ‘We’ in relation to your endeavors? 

When I spend time in nature the perfect balance is evident everywhere. Plants live in harmony and support one another beautifully.... yes, we still have a lot to learn from nature.

The other evening when taking a late night stroll I happened upon a huge eucalyptus, its trunk enormous, obviously it had been growing for many years. I intuitively connected with the energy of the tree, felt its strength and also an amazing energy flow come into my body. My mind completely stilled and I clearly heard: "When all is in alignment then strength happens"! Wow, that was a mind-blowing experience and is also a powerful reminder that when we are in alignment we too are strong.

1 comment:

  1. Bente...first I wanted to thank you soo much for starting this blog. I read it with great excitement. Ashley (my daughter) and I chatted about it this morning..she is going to make comments too because she has much to share. We both agree that one area of great need pertaining to what you were saying is the need to REALLY educate people on the importance of eating/growing organic food. We are both rather shocked to discover that a lot of people are unaware of what GMOs are or even who Monsanto is..we would like to see some education go on about these subjects because unless and until we stop poisoning the plants and the people and animals that eat these plants, we stand no chance of healing the planet. This summer I made a conscious effort to count the number of honey bees I saw..I literally counted 4 the entire summer. These poisonous plants are having a very immediate and profound impact on the bees..which we cannot live without. That is just one example of things going south. So one thing I would like to suggest toward the questions you pose is I would like to see communities come together to grow organic gardens and I would like to see every back yard and possibly even front yards filled with flowers and fresh vegetables. The pictures you have posted from your beautiful home in Katoomba has energized me like no other..It truly looks like a piece of heaven and I would LOVE to see people here embrace that as well. Thank you again.-- from Wendy!
