Tuesday 1 October 2013

Cause for Concern

Last night I attended a highly informative presentation by Golo Pilz, visiting from Europe, who presented an eye-opening explanation of what just is happening globally. Golo is a member of the Brahma Kumaris worldwide organization and has been involved in the most incredible environmentally sustainable work that is supported by the United Nations, Germany and also India.

A few of the disturbing facts he presented include:

*  We are currently using 1.6 of Earth's resources. What this basically means is that our consumption rate is over the limit of what is available on the planet.

*  Global warming means that ocean levels are rising at an alarming rate, which will result in all seaboard cities being critically impacted, with the likelihood of mass evacuations being required in future.

*  We are currently facing a global environmental and credit crisis. The global government concept is a failure. A large number of European countries are bankrupt - and that number continues to increase.

·         *   Oil and gas supplies are rapidly being used up and there is no way of replenishing them. Even the supplies we have now won’t be sufficient to last us for many more years. We are heavily dependent upon the petroleum industry for so many products that we take for granted. It’s likely to be tough to make adjustments when the oil and gas supplies become scarce unless we begin introducing alternative sustainable products into the markets now.

·         *  The Fukushima radiation leak now is reported as impacting most of the Pacific Ocean. Japan is a hotspot. Both the west coasts of North and South America are affected. It’s interesting to note that the German government immediately closed down its eight nuclear plants when the Fukushima disaster occurred. This is a decision that could – and should - also have been made by other countries using nuclear energy for fuel as no country is immune to the likelihood of natural disasters.

·        *   We have a world over-population crisis. Figures indicate that by 2040 the world’s population will reach 10 billion. The current food growing and production cannot keep up with the increasing demand.
     *  One-third of greenhouse emissions are due to meat consumption. This is a strong reason for adopting a vegetarian diet as there’s no doubt that climate change is happening worldwide.
     *  Predictions from the United Nations – based on research data from several hundred scientists – indicate that extreme weather conditions can be expected due to climate change as the average temperature increases from 1.5 to 3 degrees globally.

1.    Alternative energy sources must be developed and used worldwide. Solar energy in particular is in especially abundant supply. Apparently 400 square kilometres of solar energy harnessing equipment would be sufficient to provide energy to the whole world! It seems that solar energy, biomass and wind energy are available and can easily be harnessed.

For information on the economic and sustainable environmental initiatives undertaken by the Brahma Kumaris check out these links:

2.    An energy audit taken by all households could easily result in the reduction of energy consumption by 20-30%. This entails taking simple steps to reduce gas, electric and water consumption in addition to adhering to the principles of Rethink, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Making do with less packaging, lightening the carbon footprint, etc.

3.    Becoming mindful of thoughts. According to Golo ‘our thoughts and ideas are the key to save the planet’. The more harmonious and healing our thoughts the greater the impact we have in reducing the damage being done.

For example, when a group of individuals work in community to create a more sustainable and environmentally sound solution to problems there is an increase in the vibration of harmony along with increased satisfaction/joy experienced by participants. This in turn results in further positive energies for constructive creation.

4.    Avoid consumerism. It’s a trap that results in credit debt and provides no satisfaction albeit a temporary ‘fix’ that soon needs to be fed once again.


Golo made several interesting observations about current global and societal trends, particularly relevant to our western culture. They are:

o    ***  The disappearance of values has initiated the degradation of our environment.
o    ***  Values and the existing technology have to go hand in hand.

Here he refers to the fact that our values have deteriorated. We’ve lost sight of what is really important and instead culturally we have become immersed in technology and consumerism!

Mahatma Gandhi is quoted as saying “There is a sufficiency in the world for man’s need but not greed.”

Perhaps it’s time to reflect upon the inclusive needs of ‘we’ and let go of the greedy ‘me’ who feels there is never enough to satisfy egoic cravings?

1 comment:

  1. Hi and thank you for your initiative and passion to make a difference. I believe what i focus on gets bigger, so i focus on what i can influence; what i can change. There is already several free energy systems patented. So until the powers that be allow implementation of these systens, i suggest you use this forum to share simple one to one changes.In our area we barter eggs, vegetables, plants, timber, labour and much more.You said you wanted to keep this blig joyful? A brilliant man once said, "You can't solve a problem at the level it was created." So for me it's time to get real. Get rid of debt and start living within your means. Very empowering. Micro/macro! Start small, start local. Where focus goes, energy fliws. We know the priblems, put focus on solutions we can implement now! Many thanks
