Sunday 6 October 2013

It's Time to Reclaim Empowerment

I'm thrilled by the response to my blogspot so far. It seems that there are many individuals and groups worldwide who share similar aspirations, who are feeling constrained by the limiting systems that are in place and who are questioning the status quo.

Our endeavors to create a more meaningful life are not futile. This is how change manifests though there are times it's easy to despair because we cannot readily see the desired changes happening. Yet, when we reflect back on the past 10, 20 to 50 years it's apparent that huge change has occurred - on just about every level.

When I view the changes that have occurred and where we are in terms of technology, systems, beliefs, lifestyle, etc it seems that we have reached a point - like the swinging of a pendulum - where we can go no further. It's time for the pendulum to swing back, back into balance and harmony.

Scientific experimentation has created a vast amount of the damage to our planet and to human health. While I'm not opposed to scientific endeavors as a methodology for exploring our universe and our capabilities to function at an optimal level I am opposed to science when it destroys, damages and creates irreparable destruction. (More on this in later blogs).

In many ways I'm feeling challenged as to how best to develop this blog. It's really important for us to be well informed as to just what is happening. How can we co-create a new collaborative based and harmonious world if we don't know what needs to be changed? There are many questions that can be asked in order to find out what's really been going on these past 50-100 years or so.

What are the real stories? How have we been lied to by governments and corporations? How is the media shaping our perceptions and creating a distorted view of reality? How are we becoming disempowered? Why are we allowing corporations to dictate our food sources? Why are we supporting the chemicalization of our world when Earth provides all that we need in its natural and healing form? There are many more questions, each of them unearths a travesty of deception and mis-truths.

It is all too easy to go into a fear state once we begin questioning and exploring deeply. That is NOT the intention of this blogspot.

Instead, let's share our concerns and SOLUTIONS to the issues we perceive are limiting our health, wellbeing, survival, etc!

A great deal of the information is already available via the Internet and it's my intention to share links and names of organizations that you may find relevant.

It is via setting up communications links such as this blogspot that we are able to become more empowered in creating sustainable changes. It is this way that we are able to change systems from within rather than relying on governments and corporations to do it for us -- they haven't so far and they certainly won't be changing the status quo that supports and furthers their agendas.

An interesting article was forwarded to my inbox this week and I'm sharing it because it explores the concept of 'anarchy'. For many years I've strongly felt that anarchy is preferable to democracy as my belief is that we are each masters of our life journey. We hold an inner knowing on how to live meaningfully - in co-operation and with mindfulness. It is our dated systems (such as education, political, military, financial, etc) that create unnatural and unnecessary stress, which in turn results in disharmony, chaos and the need for boundaries, laws and rules to regulate our lives to the nth degree.

I hope this article provides food for thought. If you don't agree with it then I urge you to reflect on what it is that creates the disagreement. I'm not saying we should all agree with what is shared. What I'm suggesting is that we all take time to reflect on our beliefs and why we react strongly to some concepts more so than to others.

If you think that I'm over stressing the concept of population control by governments, corporations, military, etc then you might find this quote (below) by President JF Kennedy worth considering:

In addition, I'm attaching a link about mind control that may leave you with many more questions than before.

There are many solutions to creating  a strong and independent mindset, to becoming empowered and to feeling inspired to living a more natural and health giving lifestyle.

One that I've found particularly powerful and restorative is to spend time in nature daily - away from technology, noise and pollution. While this is not always possible even spending time sitting on grass, meditating in nature, breathing in clean natural air from plants, etc helps clear the mind and heal the body. 

Spending time in nature daily becomes addictive as the healing impact, while gradual, is powerful. Walking barefoot for an hour a day has been shown to remove the dirty electricity toxins from the body, realign the body, help relieve knee, hip and back problems and much more. It also results in increased awareness and understanding of our interdependence with the natural world. If you haven't yet begun to spend regular time in nature I encourage you to begin today!

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