Friday 11 October 2013

It's Time to Stop Monsanto!

In recent years I’ve been observing a miraculous trend occurring! In many countries there has been a gradual shift towards growing vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs in home gardens. This trend is a reversal from the big agri-business mono-culture cropping, which was once touted as the solution to feeding the world’s masses.

That huge experiment, as we are all rapidly becoming aware, has been a total failure and disaster. Mono-cropping and bio-engineering of seeds and plants has resulted in the denuding of essential minerals and trace elements from soils;  the continual erosion of Earth’s top crust (topsoil) and the incredible depletion of prosperity in the farming community.

There are declining harvests in those fields that are being mono-cropped. We are now experiencing a critical lack of diverse food crops available for general consumption. ‘The Good Food Revolution – Growing Healthy Food, People and Communities’ by Will Allen is a great read for understanding the history of the farming industry in the United States.

On November 5th a critical vote will be taken in Washington State regarding the mandatory labeling of ingredients in foods. This vote is especially critical as it relates to the labeling of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).

Monsanto, powerful bioengineering company, is spending millions (if not billions) of dollars to ensure that mandatory labeling does not occur. It has a vested interesting in controlling the food sources of the world.

If you are unaware of just who Monsanto is and the horrifying control it holds over our food supply you’ll find plenty of information on the internet. It’s no coincidence that many countries worldwide have banned GMOs. They are dangerous to the food chain and dangerous to the human body!

I’m including several links that I believe are important. Believe me, there is no shortage of information on the evils of Monsanto – and if I sound a tad emotional on this subject I make no apologies. The damage caused to the environment is irreparable and extensive! What appalls me even more is the fact that governments worldwide allow this to happen, and those who speak out against Monsanto’s monopoly and control are often silenced.

The Organic Consumers Association is seeking donations to their cause. They support mandatory labeling and are doing all that is possible to share their powerful environmental message. A dear friend has volunteered to seek donations for them. I encourage you to visit this site and donate in whatever way you possibly can. If we all share of our abundance we may just be able to ensure that our right to eat natural (non chemicalized) organic foods continues.

If you doubt that Monsanto is an evil company and believe it has our best interests at heart then I suggest you listen to this farmer (from Canada). He spells out just how powerful, influential and damaging this company is to our right to choose and grow organic, natural foods.

As possible ‘evidence’ of the damage that GMOs cause to the human body, the link below explains just how it interferes with the blood (circulatory) system. Anything that tampers with or destroys the blood has the potential to irreversibly damage the DNA and also genetic blueprint. Imagine the long term effects this will have on future generations. At this stage we don’t know the extent of potential impact and damage of consuming foods that contain GMOs.

Being intuitive my guess would be that long term GMO consumption is going to:
·         Lead to weakened immune system;
·         Potentially result in decreased ability to reproduce;
·         May even contribute to, and result in, increased birth deformities;
·         Impair cognitive development in young children;
·         Contribute to the predisposition to a host of serious illnesses, including cancer.

The above list is only a rough but intuitive guess on my part and has yet to be validated by scientific statistics. But do we have to wait 25 years or so before we say ‘ooopsie, we goofed’?

As a global community we cannot afford to wait any longer. The health of the planet and all who reside upon her is at risk. Glysophates – from RoundUp weed killer used in GMOs – has already been implicated in causing cancer.

If you live in Australia don’t think that GMOs aren’t here or that Monsanto isn’t already influencing policy decisions at the government level. I have it on very good authority that Monsanto has purchased the Western Australian seed bank for $38 million. Can I prove this claim? No, but it wouldn’t surprise me in the least as governments are not known for their visionary abilities. Instead government policy development generally is short term and is vested in winning elections, and in appeasing the corporations and powerful individuals who fund election campaigns.


Like many individuals in recent years I’ve yearned to live a more sustainable life. No matter where I’ve lived I’ve been fortunate to have a small garden in which to grow vegetables and herbs. In addition, access to Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs and local farmers’ markets has ensured that to some degree I’ve enjoyed high quality organic produce. This is a brief video clip that shows just how a family has been able to create a more natural and sustainable way of life –

When I encounter individuals who are living off the grid (without public utilities), who have sufficient acreage to plant a vast array of foods and who are truly living the ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ principles the desire to do more surfaces.

On a deeper level the desire to return to a simpler and healthier lifestyle is emerging – as I believe is occurring for many other individuals. In recent years, while living in New York I encountered countless people who expressed a desire to return to living off the land, not necessarily to establish a farm, but instead to become more self-reliant and more closely connected to the cycles of nature. Here in Australia I also observe the desire for community, co-operation, collaboration and sharing of resources.

I believe the more informed we truly are – and this means relying on alternative media sources such as the internet – the more we are able to effect positive change. It’s time to stop the insanity that currently exists, where corporations such as Monsanto hold such incredible power to influence laws that diminish our rights to our natural home and heritage – Mother Earth!

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